5 Sustainable Clothing Infographics To Educate & Inform

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Looking for sustainable and ethical clothing infographics? I’ve collected five of the best infographics to help educate and inform.

As someone who writes on ethical and sustainable clothing on a daily basis, I’m the first to admit that sometimes the information given can be hard to digest. Sometimes you really need something more visual to help absorb the information fully.

That’s when I turn to sustainable clothing infographics. These clever and informative visuals are not only engaging, but instrumental in helping you to make better fashion choices.

To help you out, I’ve got five of the best sustainable fashion infographics out there. While all these infographics are different, what each has in common is that they help educate us, and help us in our journey towards a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe.

The Best Sustainable Clothing Infographics

Clothes on a rail with a blue text box that reads sustainable fashion infographics to educate and inform.

Sustainable clothing infographics are king when it comes to information dissemination. They take complex topics, such as the impact of the fashion industry on the environment and the toll the industry takes on human rights, and present them in a visually appealing, easy-to-understand manner.

Here are my favourite ethical fashion infographics that I’ve come across:

1. The True Cost Of Fashion

a t-shirt outline with figures inside outlining who gets the money from your typical $10 t-shirt.

I first found this infographic on Pinterest when I first started Moral Fibres back in 2013. The original source has long since gone, so I can’t credit it I’m afraid (if you know the source do let me know). However, from the extensive reading I’ve done on the subject of sustainable fashion, the figures sound about right.

I’d love to see a side-by-side comparison, showing how these figures compare to Fairtrade fashion items. I haven’t been able to find anything, but should I hit the jackpot I will update here.

Related Reading: 70 Quotes On Climate Change & Sustainability

2. The Impacts Of The Fast Fashion Industry

fast fashion industry infographic

This sustainable clothing infographic by Alexandria Heinz shows clearly just how damaging the fast-fashion industry is. Both in terms of its social and environmental footprint. It really just shows that the only one who gains in the fast fashion industry is the retailer.

3. Fast Fashion In Numbers

Fashion revolution infographic showing key statistics about the clothing industry

This powerful infographic from Fashion Revolution (click through to download a larger high-resolution version) outlines the scale of the impact of the fast fashion industry on our planet. From carbon emission to water usage, to the sheer numbers of clothing binned each year, it’s a great starting point for any discussion on fast fashion and sustainable fashion.

3. The Buyerarchy Of Needs

buyerarchy of needs sustainable clothing infographic

The Buyerarchy of Needs by artist and climate communicator Sarah Lazarovic is a great framework for when it comes to buying clothes. I love how Sarah succinctly shows that using what you have is always the most sustainable solution, and buying new should be your last resort if all other options fail. After all, the most ethical item of clothing is the one you already have.

4. Ethical Shopping Decision Tree

How to shop ethically infographic

This useful sustainable clothing infographic by Elizabeth Stilwell provides another roadmap on how to update your wardrobe ethically. I love that the first question is do I want the item, or do I need the item – one of the most key questions to ask yourself before buying anything.

Other Useful Reading Material

If these sustainable fashion infographics have encouraged you to adopt a more ethical wardrobe, then my posts devoted to ethical clothing brands for women and sustainable clothing brands for men make for a good starting point. And if you’re on a tight budget you might also find this post on affordable ethical clothing brands particularly useful.

With regards to thrifting, I’ve got heaps of secondhand shopping guides. This includes my charity shop shopping tips and my best eBay shopping tips. I’ve also got a handy post on where to shop for secondhand clothes online to help point you in the right direction.

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