Why Closing Your Curtains Can Help Save Energy

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Looking to save money on your energy bills? Here’s why the simple act of closing your curtains can help save energy and slash your bills.

Curtains. Not just a 90s boyband hairstyle. And not just a decorative addition to your home. Curtains can actually be a powerful tool for conserving energy.

It’s true, if you are looking for an easy and cost-effective way to lower your energy bills and reduce your environmental footprint, then look no further than your nearest window.

Regular readers will know that something I’m really passionate about is saving energy. It helps keep down your energy bills AND helps the environment at the same time. It’s such a win-win that no one can argue with it.

On average, electricity and gas use creates about a quarter of all carbon emissions from our homes. Cut our electricity and gas use, and we cut our carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change. Plus, with bills set to rise even higher in 2024, it makes sense to lower our energy usage where we can.

This brings me to why you should close your curtains to keep your home warm and cut your energy bills.

Why Should You Close Your Curtains?

a living room window with curtains to save energy

Closing your curtains (or blinds) at dusk is a really important task in keeping your home warm and saving energy.

And I bet you’re saying “Yup, I already do that anyway. What’s the big deal, Wendy?”. Well, you’d be surprised. Whenever I go into Edinburgh on the bus in winter, I lose count of the number of houses and flats I pass where the light is on, the TV is on, and the curtains are wide open, or the blinds are up.

And yes, I admit I’m nosey and look inside people’s houses while sitting in traffic..! Not that I’m judging, I’m just thinking about what a waste of energy it is!

The simple fact is closing your curtains at dusk helps stop cold draughts from penetrating. And it helps keep the heat in your home. Even if you have double or triple glazing in your home and they are draught-proofed you can still lose heat through your windows. Therefore it’s a good habit to fall into doing.

Don’t Forget to Open The Curtains Again!

Obviously, open them again in the morning. Opening your curtains/blinds in the day lets in warming sunlight. This helps to heat your home passively. Even on dull winter days, it’s still better to keep your curtains open to let in as much light as possible.

Can I Save Even More?

Closing your curtains at dusk is the easiest way to save energy. If you want to save even more energy and don’t mind a bit of leg work and spending a little bit of money, then there are other options.

Lining your curtains with thermal lining material is one of the best ways to keep heat from escaping from your windows. It’s easy to buy thermal lining material by the metre online. You can then cut it to size and stitch it on.

If you’re not handy with a needle or sewing machine and don’t want to pay to have them lined then don’t worry. Here’s a handy guide on how to line your curtains without having to sew. Lining your curtains could save 10% on your bills, helping to offset a least some of that pesky energy price hike.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this. Another thing I want to mention is something unobvious and many people don’t even consider this when trying to reduce energy waste. I am talking about the importance of checking the water heater for leaks. Not only do these leaks waste water, but they can also lead to increased energy consumption. Leaky water heaters often result from issues like broken pipes, faulty valves, or malfunctioning pressure valves, causing your heater to work harder. By fixing these leaks, you can save both energy and money.

  2. Thermal blackout roller blinds are a great alternative or addition to lining curtains. Relatively cheap and simple to fit, they also help keep out heat in the summer. I have them fitted in bedrooms upstairs which are south facing but they also reduce heat loss in winter especially since they are closer fitting against the window than curtains.