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How to Grow Pea Shoots

Print Recipe


  • A box of dried whole peas
  • A tub - any tub will do. Any plastic food tray such as the kind you get when you buy tomatoes or grapes will work great, or an old Tupperware tub.
  • Compost cotton wool will also work great if you don't have any compost - although you will need to feed your peas
  • Water


  • To work out how many peas you need place the dried peas into the empty (soil free) tub of your choosing - ensuring the peas are densely packed in one layer only.
  • Empty the peas into a glass of water to soak overnight. Don't skip this step. We did the first time round and the peas never came to anything.
  • The next day drain your peas and line your tub with a layer of compost or cotton wool (perhaps a centimetre thick)
  • Add your peas.
  • Leave on a sunny window ledge, and water when the compost or cotton wool feels a bit dry. That's all it takes to grow pea shoots - it really is as easy as that! You could cover them with a clear plastic tub (again, like a fruit tray) to trap heat. It should only take about five or six days to get to a good height, ready for eating.